Security of Online Payments
While conducting payments on our web shop you are using SaltPay IIB hf.– an advanced system for secure acceptance of credit cards on the Internet.
SaltPay IIB hf. ensures complete privacy of your credit card data from the moment you type them into the SaltPay payment form. Data required for billing is forwarded encrypted from your web browser to the bank that issued your payment card. Our store never comes into contact with your sensitive payment card data. Similarly, SaltPay operators cannot access your complete cardholder data. An isolated system core independently transmits and manages sensitive data while at the same time keeping it completely safe.
The form for entering payment data is secured by an SSL transmission cipher of the greatest reliability. All stored data is additionally protected by hi-grade encryption, using hardware devices certified by FIPS 140 2 Level 3 standard. SaltPay fulfills all of the requirements for safe online payment prescribed by the leading credit card brands, operating in compliance to the PCI DSS Level 1 standard - the highest security standard of the payment card industry. Payments made by cards enroled with the 3-D Secure program are further authenticated by the issuing bank, confirming your identity through the use of a token or a password.
All information collected by SaltPay is considered a banking secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they were intended. Your sensitive data is fully
secure and it’s privacy is guaranteed by the state of the art safeguard mechanisms. We collect only the data necessary for performing the work in accordance with the demanding prescribed procedures for online payment.
Security controls and operating procedures applied within the SaltPay infrastructure not only ensure current reliability of SaltPay but permanently maintain and enhance the security levels of protecting your credit card information by maintaining strict access controls, regular security and in-depth system checks for preventing network vulnerabilities.
Izjava o sigurnosti online plaćanja
Pri plaćanju na našoj web trgovini koristite SaltPay IIB hf. – napredni sustav za siguran prihvat platnih kartica putem interneta.
SaltPay osigurava potpunu tajnost Vaših kartičnih podataka već od trenutka kada ih upišete u SaltPay platni formular. Platni podaci prosljeđuju se šifrirano od Vašeg web preglednika do banke koja je izdala Vašu karticu. Naša trgovina nikada ne dolazi u kontakt s cjelovitim podacima o Vašoj platnoj kartici. Također, podaci su nedostupni čak i djelatnicima SaltPay sustava. Izolirana jezgra samostalno prenosi i upravlja osjetljivim podacima, čuvajući ih pri tom potpuno sigurnima.
Formular za upis platnih podataka osiguran je SSL transportnom šifrom najveće pouzdanosti. Svi skladišteni podaci dodatno su zaštićeni šifriranjem, korištenjem kriptografskog uređaja certificiranog prema FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standardu. SaltPay zadovoljava sve zahtjeve vezane uz sigurnost on-line plaćanja propisane od strane vodećih kartičnih brandova, odnosno posluje sukladno normi – PCI DSS Level 1 – najviši sigurnosni standard industrije platnih kartica. Pri plaćanju karticama uvrštenim u 3-D Secure program Vaša banka uz valjanost same kartice dodatno potvrđuje i Vaš identitet pomoću tokena ili lozinke.
SaltPay sve prikupljene informacije smatra bankovnom tajnom i tretira ih u skladu s tim. Informacije se koriste isključivo u svrhe za koje su namijenjene. Vaši osjetljivi podaci u potpunosti su sigurni, a njihova privatnost zajamčena je najmodernijim zaštitnim mehanizmima. Prikupljaju se samo podaci nužni za obavljanje posla sukladno propisanim zahtjevnim procedurama za on-line plaćanje.
Sigurnosne kontrole i operativne procedure primijenjene na našu infrastrukturu osiguravaju trenutnu pouzdanost SaltPay sustava. Uz to održavanjem stroge kontrole pristupa, redovitim praćenjem sigurnosti i dubinskim provjerama za sprječavanje ranjivosti mreže te planskim provođenjem odredbi o informacijskoj sigurnosti trajno održavaju i unaprjeđuju stupanj sigurnosti sustava zaštitom Vaših kartičnih podataka.